Recent notations on projects and relevancies....
When does landscaping transform a garden into a livable space? And is there a difference between garden and landscape designers? From experience a garden becomes a landscape when views shift, when tons and tons of earth are moved, features built or exposed, views are restored or enclosed all in order to bring privacy or openness.
[AI] the architectural design process
The architectural design process is how a construction project is developed and analyzed in set stages. This process is usually broken down into seven phases
environmental building design
Any architect will work with you and design your space, plan your new home, new build, extension, conversions, or ancillary accommodation, but livable buildings have
clash of the titan architects
When any term confuses or contradicts itself should we all not step back and question the world we inherit? When language becomes so confusing that
beyond the 4 walls
Although COVID may well be over for now, the search for more space, a better way of living goes on. This takes many shapes, from